```{eval-rst} .. image:: images/cropped-plus3it-logo-cmyk.png :width: 140px :alt: Powered by Plus3 IT Systems :align: right :target: https://www.plus3it.com ```
# watchmaker Applied Configuration Management -------------- ## Overview Watchmaker is intended to help provision a system from its initial installation to its final configuration. It was inspired by a desire to eliminate static system images with embedded configuration settings (e.g. gold disks) and the pain associated with maintaining them. Watchmaker works as a sort of task runner. It consists of "_managers_" and "_workers_". A _manager_ implements common methods for multiple platforms (Linux, Windows, etc). A _worker_ exposes functionality to a user that helps bootstrap and configure the system. _Managers_ are primarily internal constructs; _workers_ expose configuration artifacts to users. Watchmaker then uses a common [configuration file](configuration) to determine what _workers_ to execute on each platform. ## Contents ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 installation.md configuration.md usage.md customization/index.md troubleshooting/index.md gotchas/index.md faq.md scap.md findings/index.md api.md contributing.md changelog.md ``` ## Supported Operating Systems * Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL/CentOS Stream/Oracle Linux) * Enterprise Linux 7 (RHEL/CentOS) * Windows Server 2019 * Windows Server 2016 * Windows Server 2012 R2 * Windows 10 * Windows 8.1 ## Supported Python Versions * Python 3.6 and later * Python 2.7 and later ## Supported Salt Versions * Salt 2018.3, from 2018.3.4 and later * Salt 2019.2, from 2019.2.5 and later * Salt 300x, from 3003 and later